Miele electric stove repair in Jerusalem

Thanks to such universal energy as electricity, the popularity of electric stoves is increasing. This site has an article on how to connect an electric stove, and this page describes common problems, methods for identifying and eliminating them.
In many cases, a home master or an ordinary user can repair an electric stove with his own hands without resorting to expensive specialist services.
Cooking food on an electric stove
Troubleshooting algorithm
Regardless of the model of the electric stove and the type of burners used, the cause of failure of the electric stove should be identified according to the following algorithm:
Check the presence of supply voltage with a voltmeter (the circuit breaker on the stove connection line may have tripped, the wiring is damaged, or the socket is faulty;
Make sure that the plug and mains power cord are in good condition – the glow of the control lamp or electronic indication on the control panel automatically excludes this malfunction;
Disassemble and check the power socket
Check the operability of the electronic control unit or mechanical switches for the operating modes of the burners. To do this, the electric stove must be disassembled and the voltage supply to the contact terminals of the heaters of each burner must be checked;
Ring the heaters of each burner in order to identify a burnout of the incandescent spiral or a breakdown on the body.
Check temperature sensors, thermal relays, power regulators.
Troubleshooting in the electric stove
The task of any repairman is to localize the problem. After going through this algorithm in stages, you can repair the electric stove with your own hands, having a small set of tools and having limited knowledge in electrical engineering.
Necessary conditions for self-repair
The most important condition on which not only the successful repair of the electric stove depends, but also the safety of the master and others is knowledge of the basics of electrical engineering and electrical safety. You also need self-confidence – some measurements will have to be done with the voltage on.
Of the tools for disassembling the body of the electric stove, you will need screwdrivers with suitable tips, perhaps a set of keys, pliers. For work inside the case, depending on the identified malfunction, you will need a soldering iron, wire cutters, electrical tape or heat shrink tubing.
Repair tool kit
Sometimes it is possible to identify a problem only during a visual inspection (deposit on the contacts, or a soldered wire). But, practice shows that in most cases it is impossible to repair an electric stove without measuring instruments.
Inspect terminal connections
The most acceptable would be to use a multimeter – a multifunctional measuring device that should be in use by any master dealing with electrical engineering. In some cases, you can get by with a voltage probe and homemade continuity from a light bulb and a battery.
Surface diagnostics of the electric stove
If the mains voltage is normal, and the stove suddenly stops working after being turned on, then it is worth checking the socket itself – perhaps it does not correspond to the power, or the contacts are worn out, and they spontaneously bend during the heating process.
There are cases that in electric stoves with mechanical regulators and burner power switches, the control light burned out a long time ago, and the stove itself stopped working properly much later. At this stage, without even starting to disassemble the case, it is possible to identify a malfunction in the switches, including various burners and switching their modes of operation.
Two electric stove burners not working
If it is found that some of the heaters are working, although not at full capacity, then the malfunction of the power cord can be ruled out, and you need to look for problems in the switches or in the spirals of the burners.
It is unlikely that all burners will burn out at once (although this is possible if all heaters were running during the power surge). Therefore, if there is no response to the manipulation of the switches, it is possible that the voltage is not supplied to the controls.
Dismantling the body of the electric stove
Since electric stoves and hobs come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and designs, there is no way to describe them all in one article, so the user must deal with disassembling the case on their own. But common to all types of electric stoves is the presence of thermal insulation and it is necessary to work with it very carefully.
Various designs of electric stoves
If the thermal insulation layer of the electric stove is significantly damaged, its energy efficiency will decrease, and the readings of the temperature sensors will also change, which will lead to incorrect operation of the stove in the future.