Samsung air conditioners repair in Jerusalem

Timely preventive maintenance of climate technology helps to avoid its premature breakdowns, but if the split-system has malfunctioning – do call the master.
To order Samsung air conditioners repair in Jerusalem for at-home you can by phone _____.
There are many reasons why the efficiency of the air conditioner is reduced or the equipment is completely stopped. One of the most serious malfunctions of the Samsung air conditioner is compressor damage.
Samsung air conditioner compressor replacement in Jerusalem
The compressor is the most expensive part in the air conditioner, that’s why it is necessary to carefully monitor its operation and condition. As a rule, Samsung air conditioner compressor replacement in Jerusalem is the result of improper installation of the split-system units, over-exploitation of the air conditioner or factory defects.
It happens that the air conditioner works for years without any signs of a malfunction, everything seems to be fine, and then it stops abruptly turning on. When a specialist inspects the equipment, it turns out that the compressor parts have simply expended their safety margin and they need to be replaced. It also happens. But more often the need to replace the compressor arises gradually, due to untimely conducted work, for example, to eliminate the leakage of refrigerant. Or a darkening of the thermal insulation, a discoloration of the oil, or a temperature protection of the compressor has been detected. All these states are a real threat of breakage or complete failure of the motor.
If time was lost and irreversible processes in the compressor were occurred, then its replacement can be done in two ways: without flushing the trunk lines and with flushing the trunk lines.
Carrying out works by the first option
- The original compressor is installed in the split-system unit.
- Replacement of the filter drier.
- A vacuum is created in the unit.
- The unit is charged with freon, and a liquid port is used for it.
- Testing the operation of the air conditioner.
- The final installation of the external unit is performed if there is absence of system malfunctions.
Carrying out works by the second option
The master additionally flushes the coolant circuit, if the diagnostics and inspection of the equipment have shown such deviations from the norm like
- The oil is dark with a greenish tinge and the smell of burning.
- Inclusions of small parts of metal are found in the oil.
- The acidity of the oil has increased.