Choosing washing machine in Jerusalem

Choosing washing machine in Jerusalem is not a problem! A good washing machine is a dream of every housewife in Jerusalem. A good washing machine in Jerusalem — it’s not just a dream that comes true, but it is also freedom from domestic slavery.
Jerusalem appliance stores offer a great deal of choice of these units. You shouldn’t rely on sales assistants in question about “smart washing machine”. Firstly, the qualification of these gentlemen often does not hold water. Secondly, buyers and sellers of the product have different aims. You need only to make a choice of the only unit you want, but sales consultants — to extract from your pocket as much money as it possible. Keep it in your mind when dealing with sellers of household appliances.
To tell the truth, to choose a washing machine is not too difficult. The first thing to think about is the maximum load of laundry you need in the machine. If you live in Jerusalem and have a big family, it will better for you to choose a unit with a load of not less than 5kg. Family of 2-3 people should buy with a load 3.5kg.
All washing machines are classified according to the method of loading: front loaded in the front, and vertical with top loading . Front-loading machines are cheaper, and with a desire or lack of free space , you can put it under the sink. Advantages of vertical load is in relative inaccessibility control panel for small children , such machines are suitable for the elderly, because there is no need to bend down. In such a machine, you can add clothes even during the washing.
Another important point is the manufacturer. Washing machine of the German , Austrian and Swedish assembly can cater for 15 – 20 years. The unit of the Korean, Italian and Turkish assembly ” last” from 4 to 8 years.
All washing machines are divided into classes , which are denoted by Latin letters A, B, C, D, E, F, G. The best machines are of class A and B – they do not spoil garment washing and save energy. Letters F and G are talking about a low price, quality of laundry and power consumption.
Try to choose a unit with only those programs that are necessary for you. It makes no sense to pay for software that you do not need.
The number of revolutions per minute at a wringing washing machine varies from 400 to 1600. For a quality wash 800 – 900 rpm is enough.
We can specify criteria for a long time: a drive type, design, etc. It is worth mentioning two points. If you have already chosen a specific model, do not be lazy ride through a few shops of home appliances and find the optimal combination of price and quality. And one more thing – do not be fooled by the promise of sellers to set up and connect the machine for free. Because workers will come and tell you that the installation is free but accessories which are used cost money. We wish you to make a wise choice. As you can see — choosing washing machine in Jerusalem is very easy.