How to choose air conditioner

How to choose air conditioner? There are a wide set of air conditioners nowadays — how should we select the one we need? You need to decide where will be air-conditioner and determine its purpose, you should take into account all the “minuses” of room conditions (eg, computer, refrigerator, number of people, etc.). You must take into account the floor space. So, we help you to choose the air conditioner according to your preferences.
1. Split systems consist of one indoor and one outdoor unit. They have a number of useful properties, which includ high efficiency, low noise level and free choice of location.
Split systems can be of channel, floor, ceiling, wall design. Often one and the same indoor unit can be in floor-standing and in the overhead position.
The most common are split systems of wall type internal units. About 85 % of sales of split systems are accounted for by them. The reason is that in combination of two factors. Such split systems are cheaper than other types of systems. In most popular power range these split systems are the only option.
Split systems of cassette and channel types , accounting for 10 % of all sales . Split systems of this type require for occurrenceof ceiling installation . Such models have high power and are often used in a large apartment . The main advantage of the cassette and ducted split system – is the ability to get fresh air from outside .
Split sitemy of floor or ceiling type usually are used in areas where it is impossible to use the system of wall type, for example, when the walls are made of glass (shops, where most of the space is glazed ) .
2. Multi-system.
If there are more than one indoor unit, the split system is called a “multi-split system”.
Usually, multi split air conditioning systems can have from 2 to 4 indoor wall type units. The advantage of multi-split systems is that they are able to reduce the number of external units .
3. Window air conditioner — is a monoblock air conditioner, which is mounted into the window or a thin wall. If you compare a window air conditioner with split system, it will lose ground to a split system due to the level of noise. Window air conditioner can not afford you to select the installation place, in comparison with a split system. Among advantages of window air conditioners is cheapness, and easiness of installation, i.e. with the installation of a window air conditioner will handle even a woodworker of entry-level .It is simply important not to leave the installation gaps between body conditioner and the window frame.
When exploitation window air conditioners you should remember the simple rules :
– Do not block the window air conditioner with curtains or venetian blind;
– If you select the air conditioner , make sure that its width is smaller than the width of the window ;
– Installation of window air conditioner will cost a fortune if you want to put it in a frame which is made of PVC or aluminum .
– Window air conditioner should be set taking into account the fact that the working or sleeping place to be located at least 1.5-2 meter’s distance from the air conditione.
4 . Mobile air conditioner
There are 2 types of mobile air conditioners:
1. monoblocks;
2. mobile split system .
These air conditioners do not require special installation.
When choosing a mobile air conditioner ,try to draw your attention to the following:
- Before buying a mobile air conditioner test its noise quality;
- Check in advance how big is capacity of air conditioner because it will influence on how often you will have to drain water;
- You should draw your attention to the weight and size of an air conditioner .